Anticipatory Action

A blog series by MapAction’s InnovationLab and Anticipatory Action Team exploring how anticipatory action in the humanitarian sector can help create resilience vis-a-vis future hazards.

Animated explainer: What is anticipatory action and what does MapAction do to support it?

December 2024: MapAction Anticipatory Action Sustainability Methodology

As part of MapAction’s strategic commitment to locally-led, sustainability is defined as helping ensure the longevity and sustainability of AA projects by establishing effective evaluation frameworks and sharing lessons learned with the wider community. It is critical that local voices are embedded
with these projects and processes. The document below outlines the three key pillars that underpin the methodology behind MapAction’s anticipatory action work.

READ MORE: MapAction’s Anticipatory Action Sustainability Methodology

The brief animations below also outline the various benefits of examples of anticipatory action.

1/6: Storm

2/6: Temporary settlement

3/6: Pastoralists

4/6: Early harvest

5/6: Heatwave

6/6: Data to anticipate

Anticipatory action (AA) is a humanitarian term. We will use the International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) definition below:

“Anticipatory action refers to actions taken to reduce the humanitarian impacts of a forecast hazard before it occurs, or before its most acute impacts are felt. The decision to act is based on a forecast, or collective risk analysis, of when, where and how the event will unfold.” Anticipation Hub (IFRC)

Additional resources

February 2022: Press Release: IDF partners with MapAction and Start Network to support their efforts in eight climate-vulnerable countries

November 2023: PRESS RELEASE: 7 Country Missions Completed Successfully as Part of Phase 1 Programme for Anticipatory Action and Disaster Risk Reduction

This work is kindly supported by the Humanitarian Assistance programme of the German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO), as well as the Insurance Development Forum (IDF).