UK, 23 Aug – The next Introduction to Humanitarian Mapping course is to be run in London on 5-7 October 2011.
The 3 day introduction to humanitarian mapping course is designed for humanitarian and development field workers and others who want to use GPS and free/open source mapping tools in their work. The syllabus is based on the newly released second edition of MapAction’s Field Guide to Humanitarian Mapping and is grounded in practical, proven methods used by MapAction in disaster emergencies and development projects. It will include advanced use of Google Earth, how to find useful map data, and using the open source Quantum GIS software package.
The venue and facilities for both courses are being provided by the UK Royal Geographical Society, which is an experienced provider of training on fieldwork methods and which MapAction has partnered for the last two mapping courses.
Full details about the course and how to book a place can be found on the following RGS-IBG website page.